Friends & Adventure

Floating block

With your friends, the holiday is tinged with the blue of the lake rippled by the wind, the lush green of Passo Nota where you will snap a thousand pictures, and the sparkling gold of your refreshing beer at sunset. Adventure, when shared with the people you love, takes on unimaginable tones and nuances: discover the most traditional villages, help the friend who brought too much stuff to close their backpack, and always keep a packet of biscuits with you to share with others. Because Terrazza del Brivido and all other scenic spots will take your breath away, not your hunger.

Bondo Valley

Bondo Valley

Brasa Valley

Brasa Valley

Strada della Forra Road

Strada della Forra Road

Terrazza del Brivido

Terrazza del Brivido

Pieve - Campione Trail

Pieve - Campione Trail

Bike Tour - Tremalzo Bike Race

Bike Tour - Tremalzo Bike Race

Sports at Lake Garda




A Campione sul Garda la natura ha concentrato tutto ciò che può rendere felici i windsurfer: vento, acqua e sole.
